FTCMag Art Attack >Banksy – Cardinal Sin
Art Attack

>Banksy – Cardinal Sin


“I’m never sure who deserves to be put on a pedestal or crushed under one.” – Banksy

Mais uma vez Banksy ataca e dessa vez, a Igreja Católica. Em cima de uma réplica da escultura de pedraCardinal Sin – do século 18 de um sacerdote, Banksy colocou uma tarja pixelizada” de pequenos azulejos, em resposta dos escândalos de abuso infantil cometidos pela IgrejaA escultura fica na Walker Art Gallery em Liverpool, Inglaterra, galeria conhecida por suas peças religiosas. A diretora do Walker diz: “The sculpture very clearly contains a message. When you look at it and see the tiles that have been applied to the sawn-off face, you immediately get the impression of those pixelated images of suspected criminals you see on screen or in a newspaper photograph.” A galeria não achou ruim a intervenção do artista, pelo contrário: “We have always shown controversial art and have works of art that were considered very controversial in their time. It’s part of an artistic tradition to show art that challenges people.”

E Banksy numa dessas? Ele diz: “I guess you could call it a Christmas present. At this time of year it’s easy to forget the true meaning of Christianity – the lies, the corruption, the abuse.”


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