
FTC Style

Peelsphere: tecido sustentável de resíduos de frutas é forte, versátil e à prova d’água

Designer usou cascas de frutas e algas para criar um material biodegradável versátil que oferece uma alternativa ao couro Sapatos de couro requerem cerca de 8.000 litros de água para serem produzidos. Mas a ciência tem oferecido novos caminhos para um futuro criativamente sustentável, além de possibilitar transformar recursos naturais para combater o consumo excessivo.  Já mostramos aqui alguns materiais alternativos como o

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FTC Style

História do esmalte: da origem as cores

Uma breve história cultural e artística do esmalte Para alguns, é prioridade estar sempre de esmalte, outros preferem as unhas ao natural. Mas, você já parou para pensar quando este hábito surgiu? Se pararmos para analisar, o conceito de colorir uma pequena área de queratina, na ponta de nossas mãos, é um pouco estranho. Trazemos

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FTC Decora

As melhores plantas para varandas ou terraços de apartamentos

O tempo e atenção dedicado às plantas pode se transformar em uma forma de terapia. É comprovado que sujar-se de terra é um antidepressivo natural Ter plantas em casa ou no apartamento, além de decorar, embelezar e dar vida ao ambiente, traz diversos benefícios físicos e mentais. Já foi comprovado que alguns tipos de plantas filtram poluentes, purificam o

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FTC Decora

Dicas infalíveis para renovar a sua casa sem gastar muito

Quando temos uma casa nova é bem possível querer também um mobiliário novo, além de outros objetos. Este desejo de fazer diferente acaba se manifestando em querer arrumar melhor os ambientes, colorir as paredes, uma ótima limpeza. Tudo isso faz com que a gente se sinta transformado, porque a casa é um reflexo do nosso

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Art Attack

Galeria da Rua Augusta exibe mostra de arte durante a parada do Orgulho LGBTQIA+

Começou ALÉM DA PARADA, mostra que vai além da exposição tradicional com performances, oficinas e coletivos de música! No mês de junho, o mundo ganha cores diversas em grandes eventos que dão visibilidade a questões relacionadas à comunidade LGBTQIA+ e reverberam a Revolta de Stonewall, ocorrida em 1969. As Paradas do Orgulho não só celebram

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Madonna and Beeple Collaborate on NFT Project

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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How to Swing on the Monkey Bars

How to Swing on theMonkey Bars Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right

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Here’s How We Can Work Towards Care Equality

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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Judge John Hodgman on Pickle Liquid

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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Five Signs of a Highly Intelligent Person

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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How We Can Solve Youth Unemployment

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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Climate change will boost viral outbreak

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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Balenciaga’s Afterworld: The Age of Tomorrow

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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Climate change will boost viral outbreaks

Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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Anti-Fashion with Argentinian and Belgian influences create a sensual fashion collection with pieces that convey their own message. SADAEL’s Cumbiancheta Collection is inspired by the 90’s cumbia – tropical music that defined Latin-American culture in its era. This was a time based on dreamy joy amongst the population right before the country entered a disaster.

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